Kabaddi Adda

Understanding full controversy surrounding Indian Beach Kabaddi after High Court order

The future of Indian Beach Kabaddi is in limbo following a recent order by the Delhi High Court. The court is currently examining the legality of the recent election of the Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India's (AKFI) executive committee. This uncertainty has cast a shadow over the sport, particularly the upcoming 11th Beach Kabaddi National Championships in Bihar.

Key Points of the High Court Order

  • The court is investigating whether the AKFI followed proper procedures while conducting the recent elections for its executive committee.
  • Some parties involved believe the elections did not comply with the court's previous directions.
  • The court has ordered notices to be issued to all parties involved in the case, allowing them to present their arguments.
  • Lawyers representing the different parties will have a chance to file their responses and counter-arguments within the next few weeks.
  • A final hearing on the matter is scheduled for July 29, 2024.

Background of the Dispute

The current situation stems from a disagreement between the AKFI and some of its members regarding the recently held elections. Mr. Vinod Tiwari, president of the International Kabaddi Federation (IKF), reportedly debarred Indian Beach Kabaddi teams from participating in international events without approval from the IKF's executive board.

This decision by Mr. Tiwari is a separate issue but adds to the confusion surrounding the governance of Kabaddi in India.

What it Means for Beach Kabaddi

The High Court's order has created uncertainty for the sport. Here's a breakdown of the potential consequences:

  • Impact on Upcoming National Championships: The 11th Beach Kabaddi National Championships scheduled for Bihar might be affected depending on the court's final decision.
  • International Participation: The IKF's decision to bar Indian teams could potentially affect their participation in future international Beach Kabaddi events.

Who's Who in the Kabaddi Controversy

  • Manojan Rajan and Others (Petitioners): These petitioners have filed a case in the High Court challenging the way the AKFI conducted its recent elections.
  • Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India (AKFI) (Respondents): The AKFI is the governing body for Kabaddi in India and is responsible for conducting elections for its executive committee.
  • Vinod Tiwari (President, International Kabaddi Federation): Mr. Tiwari's decision to bar Indian Beach Kabaddi teams from international events is a separate issue but adds to the complexity of the situation.
  • KP Rao (Founder of Beach Kabaddi): KP Rao alleges Mr Vinod Tiwari for violation of rules.

The founder of Beach Kabaddi, KP Rao alleges IKF President Mr Vinod Tiwari of violating the rules. Vinod Tiwari has debared Indian Beach kabaddi team from participating in the international events without approval of IKF excutive board members. 

Adding to this complicating situation is the role of Mr. Tiwari. Vinod Tiwari is the President of IKF and he also holds a position within the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA). This raises concerns about a conflict of interest, since the Olympic Charter discourages holding positions that might influence decisions across different organizations.

Earlier, the IKF, President Mr. Vinodh Tiwari, claims that the Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India (AKFI), is not functioning as per their standards. He points out that AKFI is currently under the control of an administrator, even after the AKFI has successfully held election last year. Tiwari said, the IKF considers this a violation of their affiliation requirements.

What Happens Next?

The Delhi High Court will hear arguments from all parties involved on July 29, 2024. The court's final decision will determine the legitimacy of the AKFI's recent elections and the future course of action for Indian Beach Kabaddi.

This is a developing situation, and we will likely see more information emerge in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for further updates on the outcome of the court case and its implications for the sport.