Kabaddi Adda


Policy at a Glance

  1. We screen every team with 5 questions before they enter the arena (see below).
  2. All fans must stay 10ft away from the mat.
  3. Masks are required for everyone unless you are actively playing, coaching, refereeing, eating, or drinking.

What We Are Doing and Encouraging at Events

The questions asked can be found below. Anyone who answers yes to the below questions will not be allowed to enter the event. We also recommend seniors or others with compromised immune systems not attend events due to the risk of infection.

  1. Have you or your family been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID- 19?
  2. Are you or your family experiencing a cough, shortness of breath or sore throat?
  3. Have you or your family had a fever within the last 48 hours?
  4. Have you or your family experienced a new loss of taste or smell?
  5. Have you or your child experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?

Please Read

  • We ask that teams show up no earlier than 15-20 minutes prior to their game, we also ask that you leave quickly after your game has concluded to reduce crowding around the mat.
  • Please make sure to bring water.
  • Limited spectators are encouraged.
  • Facial covering is encouraged.
  • Social Distancing will be enforced.
  • Players, coaches, and officials shall not congregate within six feet of each other except to the extent necessary during the athletic competition.
  • All coaches, players, officials, and spectators are strongly encouraged to wear a mask or other facial covering that covers his or her nostrils and mouth at all times except when a player or official is directly participating in the event.
  • We encourage participants to wear facial coverings when not competing.
  • We encourage spectators to wear facial coverings.
  • We expect everyone to take personal responsibility for properly washing hands, masking coughs and sneezes. Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol), and abstain from touching their face.
  • We will request to eliminate shaking hands, hugging, or otherwise coming in close contact with other attendees.
  • We request players, coaches, parents, or supporters with any symptoms not attend competitions or events.

Protocols and Responsibilities - What we expect from Academies, Coaches, and Players attending K7 qualifiers

In order to participate in any K7 qualifiers activities other than individual activities at home, an individual including, but not limited to, players, coaches and club staff (“participants”) must satisfy the following criteria.

  • No signs or symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days and have not been exposed to someone that has been ill in 14 days.
  • Take temperature before participating in any kabaddi activity.
  • Before each match ask all players how the athletes are feeling and whether they are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. cough, fever, or loss of taste or smell). Also ask if their temperature was taken.
  • If the athlete has any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, they should be sent home and instructed to contact their healthcare provider.
  • Have fun, stay positive – players and parents are looking to you to stay calm, supportive and caring during this time.
  • Take temperature regularly
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after kabaddi activity.
  • Use hand sanitizer at breaks during kabaddi activity.
  • Practice social distancing. No group celebrations, no high 5’s, hugs, handshakes etc.