UP Yoddha is a franchise based in Noida, owned by GMR Group. The team debuted in Pro Kabaddi season 5, 2017. The team captures the warrior spirit of Uttar Pradesh. The players are known as Yoddhas, who are ready to give their blood, sweat and tears in the battlefield. They made it to the playoffs in our debut season in 2017. In season 6, Jasveer Singh partnered Arjun Singh as part of the coaching staff. No challenge is too big for the Yoddha. Courage, passion and pride is what the U.P. Yoddha stand for as they courageously enter the battle without any fear. They take on their opponents with might and a chest filled with pride. They use their strength, courage and intelligence to ward off their enemies. They fight hard for every win. The Yoddha play their home matches at Shaheed Vijay Singh Pathik Sports Complex.UP Yoddha have retained Sachin Kumar and Amit for Pro Kabaddi season 7, scheduled to start from 19th July 2019.